13th March 2022

Dear Parishioner

The apostles Peter, James, and John; the transfiguration day was the most astonishing and fortunate day. Out of the twelve, they were chosen to accompany Jesus up on the Mount of Tabor. The more they began to ascend the mount, the more their focus fell upon Jesus. They were separated from their companions. They began to ponder about the purpose and aim of this unusual journey. It was hard for them to figure out, but they have learned to trust him and have followed him ever since he called them. Jesus was the way, the truth and the life, and so Peter, James, and John were anchored in their trust in him. This is indeed a great lesson for us. When we face ups and downs in our life, Jesus is by our side to lead us on. Are we prepared to take the path through which Jesus wishes to lead us and like Peter, James, and John do we believe that the Lord is with us?

They finally reached the peak of the mountain. The Lord begins to engage in prayer. The Apostles being tired were unable to keep up with their Master in His moments of prayer and fall asleep. Then they were awakened by the sound of voices and the bright light they felt on their closed eyes. Waking up, they are overawed at what they saw. Before them was the Master in his Glory. At his side stand Moses and Elijah, conversing with him in an unmistakable attitude of respect. He was dazzlingly white, almost too bright for their eyes. It was their Lord and Master. They were filled with the greatest joy. They were overcome by their experience of Christ in his glory. Peter said what came to his mind-that he wanted to remain there always. He had not fully understood, but he grasped that to be with Christ, to live in the light of the Master, is to live in joy.

Moses and Elijah appear in glory. They bore witness that their mission, and that of all those sent by God throughout the centuries of Israel's history, was a preparation for the coming of Christ. They, while on earth, spoke in a veiled language, in symbolic language, and though they perceived a Messiah would come, they did not fully know him. They did not know that he would be God's only Son, born of a woman. But now for them too, the veil has been removed. The New Covenant is proclaimed by the Son himself. He speaks to the world as the Son of the Father. And it is the Father who calls on the apostles to listen to his Son, his beloved Son. Let us ask for the grace to listen to Christ. Let us ask for the grace to pick up the Gospel with renewed simplicity, with a generous and open heart, with faith and confidence in God, that we might hear the words of the Son of God.

Fr Jijo George


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Sunday: Fr William Luby
Tuesday: Canon Martin Horkan
Friday: Ian McIntosh, Fr Donal Donegan
Sunday: Fr Sidney Williams